Dey was presented the Elizabeth Hartigan Award for his outstanding contributions
in the field of recovery. A self-help activist, Bob has been a Group
Leader in Recovery International for more than 15 years, and worked with Alcoholics
Anonymous, dual diagnosis and other 12-step programs for over 18 years.
During his tenure at SHARE!, he led meetings in Dual Recovery Anonymous
and SOS (a secular organization for sobriety).
Proud friends,
Rose VanSickle and Larry Chacon, had the privilege of introducing
Bob at the awards dinner. Celinda Jungheim presented him with a framed
award from SHARE! plus certificates from several government agencies.
from Rose's introduction speech:
"Bob Dey is one of the Bright Lights on our planet today
Bob shares wisdom through experience.
Yet, perhaps his greatest asset, is his natural ability to nurture.
He truly cares about people, and it shows.
We give thanks to you, Bob, for all those lives you've touched near
and far.
Dear One, we adore you. We absolutely adore you.
It is a great honor to present My LA Angel - Bob Dey!"

Left to right:
Rose VanSickle, Bob Dey, Celinda Jungheim, Larry Chacon.